Bishop Bassey
‘Politics and governance can no longer be left in the hands of politicians,’ says Bishop Bassey

Convener of Cross River State Round Table 2021, Bishop Josef Bassey says Nigeria has blessed everything God blessed her with.

He said it’s worrisome that the nations resources are largely untapped and in most cases mismanaged.
Bishop Bassey who made this known in Calabar there is need for people to speak out and be heard.
He stressed that it was high time citizens took their own destinies in their hands as politics and governance can no longer be left in the hands of politicians.
“Nigeria is a case of a nation in bondage, a nation in prison, a nation caged, a nation loaded with potentials untapped, a nation blessed with abundant resources but grossly mismanaged, a nation that possibly has abused almost everything that God blessed her with and it’s worrisome.
“It’s something to weep about if you want to weep. It’s something to mourn if you want to mourn, to cry if you want to cry, something to die about for those who are suicidal, but God forbid,” he said.
Explaining the concept of the Cross River Round Table 2021, Bishop Bassey who is also the General Overseer, God’s Heritage Centre, Calabar, said Cross River Roundtable was essentially about getting the people to think Cross River, to discuss Cross River with a view to ensuring that we stay on course with her prophetic destiny.
He said as a priest, he will not watch the state go adrift because by the privilege of grace, he knows the prophetic destiny of the state.
“Cross River State is not something that I can watch go adrift because by the privilege of grace, I know the prophetic destiny of Cross River State.
“I am a privileged custodian of the prophetic destiny of Cross River State and I think when I see things going wrong, I owe it to the state, I owe it to the people. I owe it to God to make whatever input I can.
“It doesn’t really matter how small that contribution is to see and make sure that things, if they are good, they get better; if they are better, they move from there to best. And if there’s something also wrong, we see how we can possibly make it right.
“So, Cross River Roundtable is essentially about getting us to think Cross River. To discuss Cross River with a view to ensuring that we stay on course with that destiny”, he said.