Keyamo posing in front of the newly-acquired property as posted via his Twitter handle, Thursday

‘Your excuse laughable, watery, flimsy’– as Nigerians blast Keyamo over U.S property acquisition


Attempt by the Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Mr Festus Keyamo SAN to douse tension over his admission to owning a residential property in the United States further succeeded in drawing more fire from Nigerians who described his explanation as ‘laughable, flimsy and watery.’

Mr Festus Keyamo SAN

This is also as the Spokesman of the Abubakar Atiku Campaign Organisation, Mr Daniel Bwala, said Keyamo, who also doubles as a chieftain of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) was ‘trying to be clever by half’ with his reasons for the property acquisition in the United States.


It would be recalled that Keyamo, a spokesperson for the Bola Tinubu/Shettima Campaign Organisation of the APC, had, Thursday, displayed his property, a residential house, which he claimed he purchased from his savings while as a student in the country, and also during private law practice.

The property located in Silver Canyon LN, Rosharon in the Savannah Trace neighbourhood of Texas, U.S was sold by the Savannah Development Limited to Keyamo in 2021 for the sum total of $359, 260.

Keyamo house

Interestingly, Keyamo had originally claimed that he acquired the said property in 2006.

However, Nigerians investigated his claims and published more details of the transaction to reveal that the property in question was acquired by Keyamo only after he had assumed office as Minster of State.

In a rush to douse the tension and uproar raised by his admission, Keyamo followed up with a detailed explanation of how he was able to purchase the said property.

Keyamo who said his post on Twitter last Thursday showing off his house in the U.S, was intended to ‘bait sore losers,’ as he claimed that it was purchased from his savings while studying in the United States, as well as, personal earnings from his private law practice before the Federal Government appointment.

The minister further disclosed in his fresh response, Saturday, that what he showed, in his post, last Thursday, ‘is about the CHEAPEST of my several properties.’

Keyamo posing in front of the newly-acquired property as posted via his Twitter handle, Thursday

Posting via his Twitter handle (@fkeyamo), the junior minister wrote, Saturday:

“Two days ago, I decided to bait the horde of sore losers at the last elections with a video of my vacation in ONE OF MY PROPERTIES abroad as I did a light workout. Expectedly, they fell so terribly for the bait. “Being folks of low moral standards, they seem to view everyone from their own depraved universe. Given same position of public trust and authority, I bet they would easily compromise. So, they assume everyone will wallow in the same moral squalor like them.

“For some of us who have built a huge reputation of honour, integrity and accountability and championed the fight against corruption — long before public office- probity and openness remain our guiding principles.

“By letters dated March 6, 2019 (long before I was appointed a Minister and immediately I was appointed a Board member of the NDIC), and in line with our Constitution, I wrote to the relevant government agencies, informing them of the closure of my foreign account(s) and the repatriation of my funds to the country, being some savings I had made as a private legal practitioner and a property investor over decades. The numbers of those accounts, both abroad and in Nigeria were clearly stated in those letters. Those foreign funds were lying in my accounts until my appointment as a Minister later in 2019 and formed part of my assets declaration.

“In 2021, I again wrote to the relevant agencies (by letters dated January 22, 2021), informing them of the movement of those funds out of the country to purchase a property as a better investment decision, instead of the funds lying idly in the account whilst I am in public office. The letters were duly acknowledged. I followed up again with Whatsapp chats same day to the heads of those agencies, informing them of the delivery of those letters and the contents of the letters and they acknowledged receipt. I have the acknowledged copies of those letters and those chats and replies are still on my phone, showing the dates of those chats.

“So, I had a good laugh when I saw the trending issues regarding just one of my properties in the US. It is even very laughable to think that after active, high-profile practice of law culminating in my privilege as a member of the Inner Bar (together with being an International Arbitrator) and thoughtful investments in real estate spanning over 30 years, I cannot afford such a  relatively modest property.

“Understandably, some people seem to underrate us because we live a simple, modest life and we are not given to ostentatious display of wealth and the vanities of life like some people do. Lol. Well, for these haters, I have another bad news for them: let me now disclose that of my entire real estate portfolio (both home and abroad), this is about the CHEAPEST of my several properties.

“Those who are VERY CLOSE to me over the years know exactly what I am talking about. My flourishing and manned law Chambers (whilst I am away on national assignment) and my real estate investments are still far more financially profitable than serving my country. Ours is a labour of love to my country. “My Assets Declaration is there for all to see. (Again, this is verifiable.)

”Some of us don’t need Government funds or patronage to get by. Whatever we do and whoever we support is out of our deep convictions. And yes, we have worked our socks off in the last 30 years!

“Please, expect more videos!” Keyamo wrote.

Keyamo property papers

However, APC spokesman did not settle nerves of his audience, as salvos trailed his explanation with many wondering why he did not also post the said letters written to the Nigerian agencies disclosing his wealth status, in addition to his account details to show how much he had in his bank to the Nigerian authorities to determine if it was enough then to purchase the property in question.

This is even as some wondered how he came about so much wealth in the face of hardship and sufferings perperated by the APC-led government he serves in as a minister.

According to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)/ Atiku Abubakar Campaign Spokesman, Mr Bwala, while reacting to Keyamo’s disclosure, the issue remains as to when the property in question was purchased and from which source of income.

Bwala, writing via his Twitter handle (@BwalaDaniel) said: “He (Keyamo) was trying to be clever by half by saying he wrote relevant agencies about his foreign accounts. Ask him whether in that letter he mentioned the balance in those accounts and whether he stated that he bought any house abroad with the “supposed foreign accounts”?

“Any person who studied abroad would almost certainly have an account or accounts. I have a foreign account is not the issue; neither is I have productive practice. The issue is when did you buy the properties? and precisely what is the source of those purchases?

“The precise answer is relevant because it is very easy to track and trace if not by local law enforcement, at least by FBI and NCA. Pandora’s box is opened.”

Also reacting, another Twitter user Ifeanyi onuoha (@IaIfeanyionuoha) responding to Keyamo’s explanation, wondered how the minister manages to flaunt his wealth ‘despite being a part of the government responsible for the mass suffering, unemployment, and poverty in Nigeria.’

“It’s impressive how you manage to flaunt your wealth and privilege with such ease, despite being a part of the government responsible for the mass suffering, unemployment, and poverty in Nigeria.

“Your tweet is a shining example of how out of touch you are with reality, as you boast about your properties abroad and your “modest” vacation, while ordinary Nigerians struggle to make ends meet.

Your claim of having a “huge reputation of honour, integrity, and accountability” is laughable, given your role in a government that has consistently failed to address the needs of its citizens.

“Your assertion that you have championed the fight against corruption is equally ludicrous, considering that corruption remains rampant in Nigeria, and your government has done little to curb it.

“It’s amusing how you try to justify your wealth by citing your decades-long practice of law and investment in real estate.

“Still, the fact remains that you hold a position of public trust and authority, and your actions should reflect the interests of the Nigerian people, not your personal gain.

“It’s funny how you speak of “low moral standards” while ignoring the moral depravity of the current government’s policies.

“Your attempts to justify your wealth and privilege only show how out of touch you are with the realities of the country you claim to serve.

“It’s great to know that you don’t need government funds or patronage to get by, but what about the millions of Nigerians who do?

“Have you ever stopped to think about how your policies affect their lives? Or are you too busy counting your properties and chatting with the heads of government agencies to care?

“You seem to take great pleasure in taunting those who criticize you, referring to them as “sore losers” and “haters.”

“However, perhaps you should take a moment to reflect on why so many Nigerians are unhappy with your government’s performance and the apparent lack of empathy shown by those in power.

“Your tweet reeks of arrogance and entitlement, and your attempts to justify your wealth only serve to highlight the stark inequality and injustice that persists in Nigeria.

“Please, by all means, continue to make more videos showing off your wealth. It’s not like Nigerians have more pressing issues to worry about, right?” Mr. Onuoha wrote.

More reactions:

Oluwarotimi (@Timiglow)

One thing is certain in this life: “there’s no peace for the wicked and the wicked wouldn’t go freely”. If your conscience is cleared, there’s no need for long epistle’s. You’re part of the problem of this country & criminality structures that need to be dismantled for Nigeria to be better

Taiwo Odedairo Ph.D (TaiwoOdeda)

Writing such a long epistle explaining yourself… shows that you are scared…. Noise and distractions….Our main focus for now is our mandate…. @officialEFCC Will sort you out later

(@Drelmoatiku) Dr El Mo Psy. D.

Forget this long English, my guy. You bought the 2006 house in the U.S. in 2021 as the deed indicates. This means you corruptively bought it while serving as a minister of the Fed Rep of Nigeria. You were wrong & you need to have a chat with the @officialEFCC & @CCBNigeria @seunokin

Sir Odue (Sirodue1)

@fkeyamo is a born thief … a property he bought 2021 while he is already a minister… and he said he closed all his bank accounts abroad.

How does he pay his monthly Duties and Taxes?  These people think we are dull like their supporters.

Jesse (@jjessse)

With unemployment skyrocketing, poverty level at its highest. Mr Minister for state Labour has all the time in the world to bait its own citizens. Or are my missing something

Olasupo Jakes (@JakesOlasupo)

Corrupt govt official is doing shalaye. You’re going to jail. I promise you that!

Comr. Gospel (Senator G) (comrGos)

Lol this man think that we are fools

1.. the accounts, did you state how much was in the accounts? Can you make the statement of the accounts public?

2. The same way you said Tinubu saved money and they asked him to pay tax on it lol that’s the same way you are claiming that you used saved money to buy the properties

3. Looking at your age and when you started practicing law, the number of cases you have handled, the money you have made can earn you properties not property ohh in abroad, all payment made in full payment..

Paschal Ayozie (@iamProjectP)

Very watery, after-thought flimsy excuse…. Kindly publish these said letter and the details of these accounts let us conduct our own investigations.  I guess you also write every month to “these agencies” to make your monthly mortgage payment right? I challenge you to publish these letters and account details.

Mr Xperience (Xperience_Snr)

The more you lie, the MORE you’ll continue to lie to cover up the previous lie or to convince People that the previous LIES are true.

Only a Nigerian politician will be on social media 24/7 writing Essays and Titanic trying to sell themselves as if someone is chasing them.

Dr Real Victoradham (DProf) (@realvictorad)

Only a gullible and a foolish person would believe your gibberish and balderdash. You’re a complete liar, and fantastically corrupt.

More of your atrocities are being compiled, and will be made public very shortly.

Enough is Enough of the lies and deception from you folks.


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