Rivers’ Gov. Fubara woos  investors at economic  summit


 Governor Siminalayi Fubara of Rivers State, celebrating one year in office continued with an Economic and Investment Summit at the Obi Wali International Conference Centre, Port Harcourt.

The governor says there is need to look beyond oil resources and federal allocation before it can boast of a strong economy that benefits the state and its people.


One of the aims of the summit was to discuss how to revive defunct industries and attract new investors.

Much was said about the economic potentials of Rivers State owing to its oil and gas endowment and robust infrastructure amongst others.

But the governor says his administration is hoping unlock the benefits that abound in agriculture.

Some dignitaries at the event were also of the view that Rivers State is on the right path to compete with the strongest economies in Africa.

To show seriousness about creating an investor-friendly environment, Fubara disclosed plans to harmonize state and local government taxes to eliminate double taxation and levies.


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